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Vol. 1 (2022)

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Authors in this issue:

Denis Gonzalez-Argote Adrián Alejandro Vitón-Castillo, Annier Jesús Fajardo Quesada, Yeni de la Caridad Romero Valdes, Leonardo Batista Rivero Eduard Antonio Moré Torreblanca, Matilde Bolaño García Idana Beroska Rincon Soto, Nayibe Soraya Sanchez Leon Carlos Oscar Lepez, Patricia Alonso Galbán, Carlos Canova-Barrios, Felipe Machuca-Contreras Camilo Andrés Silva-Sánchez Disney Hernández Tique, Jenny Judith Puentes Ordoñez, Carlos Alberto Gómez Cano Martha C. Correa Moreno, Gina L. González Castro Sandra Milena Sánchez Castellanos, Leydy Lorena Saiz Aldana Ricardo Javier Albarracín Vanoy Raghav Chandran Wei Zhang Carlos Oscar Lepez Carlos Miguel Campos Sánchez, Laura Adalys Guillén León, Rossio Cristina Acosta Yanes, Marcos Antonio Gil Oloriz Brayan Stiven Tovar Claros Lee Yang Díaz-Chieng, Jhossmar Cristians Auza-Santiváñez, Jose Ignacio Robaina Castillo Adrián Alejandro Rojas Concepción, Raydel Guerra Chagime Claudia Bisset Delgado Barnali Gupta Mario Ferrer-Benítez William Castillo-Gonzalez ,

Published: October 1, 2022


2022-12-25 Editorial
Immersive environments, Metaverse and the key challenges in programming

Metaverse is a virtual reality (VR) environment with avatars and software agents using the internet and augmented reality (AR). This one is described as a new iteration of the internet, Metaverse uses VR headsets, blockchain technology and avatars in a new fusion of real and virtual worlds. The role of the programmer in the metaverse is to create and maintain programs that control the behavior of virtual objects and entities within the virtual space. This can include characters controlled by the computer, animations, special effects, and other visual and interactive elements. Programmers in the metaverse may work on a variety of different projects, such as developing new virtual worlds, creating games or other interactive experiences, or building tools and applications for use within the metaverse. They may also be responsible for maintaining and updating existing programs, fixing bugs, and optimizing performance. The main challenge facing programmers in the metaverse is creating a seamless and immersive experience for users. This involves designing and implementing a wide range of features, such as realistic and interactive 3D environments, avatars, physics and interactions, network communication and synchronization, and AI-powered non-player characters. The development of the metaverse requires a wide range of skills and technologies, including expertise in computer graphics, networking, AI, and user experience design.

By Denis Gonzalez-Argote

2022-12-01 Original
Metaverse: an emerging research area

Introduction: the development of science and technique has enabled the progress of computer equipment, connectivity and virtuality, giving rise to new technologies such as metaverses.
Goal: describe the trends in scientific output on the metaverse in Scopus and Web of Science.
Method: bibliometric study of the articles published in Scopus and Web of Science relating to the metaverse in the 1995-2022 period. Searching formulas were used for article retrieval. Productivity indicators were studied.
Results: 76.82% and 67.46% of the articles on metaverse in Scopus and Web of Science respectively were published in the 2020-2022 period. China and the United States were identified as the most productive countries (Scopus: 17.82% vs 16.17%; Web of Science: 19.69% vs 17.81%) and the most productive institutions were Sabancı Üniversitesi (n=28) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (n=26). Originals and articles in English predominated; the most productive areas were Informatics and Information Systems and the area of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. In Scopus, 37.38% of the articles were found in open access and 40.21% in WoS.
Conclusions: the metaverse is an emerging research area where China and the United States are the leaders. The publications in this area are written mainly in English as the lingua franca of science characterized by predominance of the original pieces of research and in areas such as information sciences and engineering sciences.

By Adrián Alejandro Vitón-Castillo, Annier Jesús Fajardo Quesada, Yeni de la Caridad Romero Valdes, Leonardo Batista Rivero

2022-12-27 Original
Proposal of an instructional design on linking the use of Wayuu myths and legends supported by multimedia applications to strengthen reading and writing skills

Instructional design is an essential process that specifically defines and outlines how all the elements that make up the educational action must be and how they should relate to each other in the educational field. This article proposes a methodological proposal to develop an instructional design that links the use of Wayuu myths and legends, supported by multimedia applications, to strengthen literacy in students of Educational Institution number four in the municipality of Maicao La Guajira.

By Eduard Antonio Moré Torreblanca, Matilde Bolaño García

2022-12-29 Original
How artificial intelligence will shape the future of metaverse. A qualitative perspective

The announcement of Facebook's rebranding to Meta and heavy investments in the metaverse by companies like Microsoft have brought attention to the metaverse as the next major technological advancement. The concept of Metaverse Seoul was recently unveiled, providing a virtual communication ecosystem for municipal administrative fields and specific services for persons with impairments utilizing XR technology. This study uses a qualitative perspective to explore how artificial intelligence (AI) will shape the future of the metaverse. Three methodological approaches were employed to address this research: literature review, historical-logical and phenomenological approach, and synthesis analysis. We have carefully considered how artificial intelligence has affected the development of the metaverse and how it can increase user immersion in virtual reality. The introduction to this book introduced the basic concepts of the metaverse, the techniques of artificial intelligence, and the role of artificial intelligence in the metaverse. After that, there are several important technology areas - including NLP, machine vision, blockchain, networks, deep learning, and neural interface - and a wide range of application areas - including healthcare, manufacturing, smart cities, gaming and DeFi. researched. The analyzed AI-based solutions have shown that AI has enormous potential to reinforce system design, improve built-in services in virtual worlds, and improve the 3D immersive experience. Finally, we examined well-known metaverse projects that included AI to improve service quality and consider the metaverse ecology. We will now list many metaverse-based AI research trajectories.

By Idana Beroska Rincon Soto, Nayibe Soraya Sanchez Leon

2022-12-21 Original
Online and Social Media Presence (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube) of Civil Associations, Mutual Associations, and Foundations in Argentine Nursing

Social media has experienced an unprecedented boom in recent years and its impact on today's society is undeniable. Social media has changed the way people communicate, relate and inform themselves. In the academic world, social media has also acquired great relevance, especially in the field of scientific societies. This article aims to analyze the presence of Argentine organizations in the field of nursing on social media. The study included a list of Argentine organizations in the field of nursing obtained from official databases at Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos. Those organizations (Civil Associations, Mutual Association, and Foundations) whose keywords were related to nursing were selected. 95 organizations in the nursing field were registered, of which only 24 (25.2%) had a website accessible from the internet. 95 organizations in the nursing field were registered, of which only 24 (25.2%) had a website accessible from the internet. Only 39 organizations had a presence on at least 1 social network. The results of the study revealed that there is a low presence of these organizations on social media, with only a small percentage having profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Additionally, these organizations had a low number of followers on their social media profiles. This highlights the need for these organizations to enhance their social media strategies to increase their visibility, impact, and engagement with their audience. Improving their social media presence can also help these organizations to better promote their research, knowledge, and scientific developments, thus contributing to the advancement of the nursing field.

By Carlos Oscar Lepez, Patricia Alonso Galbán, Carlos Canova-Barrios, Felipe Machuca-Contreras

2022-12-26 Original
Psychometric properties of an instrument to assess the level of knowledge about artificial intelligence in university professors

Introduction: Knowledge of AI in university professors allows them to integrate these technological tools into their teaching strategies and thus improve the quality of learning.
Goal: Determine the sustainable factorial structure of the dimension of relations of an instrument to assess the level of knowledge of artificial intelligence in university professors.
Methods: A cross-sectional, metric validating study was carried out. A sample of 83 university professors was chosen. An instrument on artificial intelligence for university professors was applied, said instrument being composed of 15 questions divided into three sections. A psychometric analysis was conducted in order to assess its validity and reliability.
Results: The results show that Part 1 has an alpha coefficient of 0.77, Part 2 has an alpha coefficient of 0.65, and Part 3 has an alpha coefficient of 0.83. The alpha coefficients for each subscale (0.77 for Part 1, 0.65 for Part 2 and 0.83 for Part 3) indicate that the instrument has good internal consistency and the questions within each subscale relate to one another. Ratio χ2/gl of 2.1 indicates good fit of the model, and the GFI, NFI and CFI values are close to 1, which indicates good fit of the model.
Conclusions: The results of this study support the validity, reliability and sustainable factorial structure of the instrument on artificial intelligence for university professors, which makes it an adequate tool to assess the level of knowledge of AI in university professors.

By Camilo Andrés Silva-Sánchez

2022-12-26 Original
How do technology equipment companies implement new billing strategies?

Objective: Assess the implementation of electronic invoicing in technology equipment trading enterprises in Florencia Municipality, Caquetá.
Methods: The research approach is mixed, qualitative due to the implementation of 116 surveys and qualitative due to the development of two interviews with municipal actors from Florencia – Caquetá; likewise, the type of descriptive-explanatory research given to the goal of this piece of research was developed.
Results: 78 out of 116 business persons declared they had implemented the electronic invoicing system, where serious problems were found regarding training and teaching in the use of information and research technologies. In this sense, the interview stated there is resistance to change and a lack of flexibility in technology-related knowledge.
Conclusion: Implementing electronic invoicing in technology equipment trading enterprises in Florencia Municipality is strengthening, considering that they have had different kinds of growth and development barriers due to costs and lack of training.

By Disney Hernández Tique, Jenny Judith Puentes Ordoñez, Carlos Alberto Gómez Cano

2022-12-26 Original
Strengthening Governance in Caquetá: The Role of Web-based Transparency Mechanisms for Public Information

Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate the website of the Caquetá Governorate as a mechanism for transparency and access to public information during the period from 2020 to 2021.
Method: This study is framed within a mixed exploratory approach with an inductive method. Data collection techniques include a checklist, a Likert scale questionnaire applied to 30 observers of the Caquetá Governorate, and an interview with a professional expert in the field.
Results: The study's results indicate that the Caquetá Governorate's website complies with regulations regarding transparency mechanisms and access to information. However, there are outdated data and documents that make it difficult for people who access the site to find what they are looking for.
Discussion: The study's findings reveal a low use of the website, which directly affects citizens' active participation in the public arena and their ability to exercise control functions.
Conclusion: It is necessary to implement website dissemination strategies that promote citizen participation and digital democracy as a means of transformation.

By Martha C. Correa Moreno, Gina L. González Castro

2022-12-27 Original
The generation of transmedia content from the analysis of the image in tourism, an approach to the publication in social networks

The aim of this article is to make the different components of the tourism product visible through a promotional strategy that reflects the different factors of the image and brings a possible consumer closer to a first impression of the destination. Therefore, by using the social network Instagram and generating transmedia content, the aim is not only to promote tourism but also to address elements that arise from tourism research, using social networks as a socializing mechanism for the activity. The publications and structural elements that are considered when making a specific tourist destination visible are presented. This article is the result of joint work between the Tourism Experiences Classroom and the TurísticaMente Seedbed.

By Sandra Milena Sánchez Castellanos, Leydy Lorena Saiz Aldana

2022-12-27 Original
STEM Education as a Teaching Method for the Development of XXI Century Competencies

This research was carried out at Don Bosco School in the department of Villavicencio, where the contribution of STEM education to the development of competencies and skills of 21st century citizens is observed, studied and evaluated. To this end, a curricular proposal based on interdisciplinarity is presented, applying Project-Based and Problem-Based Learning in the subjects of Science (Physics), Technology, and Mathematics with tenth-grade students. The results show the characterization of the students, the processes of curricular integration in knowledge and soft skills. It can be evidenced that, according to the pedagogical model of the institution, tenth-grade students have a social and humanistic thinking, in the sense that some of them were concerned about the social context and oriented towards solving problems in their environment. After reviewing the curricular planning documents, clear guidelines on the conceptual model of the institution are appreciated. However, it is necessary to diversify the technological component to train competent citizens with a view to a generation immersed in the 21st century.

By Ricardo Javier Albarracín Vanoy

2022-12-27 Original
Human-Computer Interaction in Robotics: A bibliometric evaluation using Web of Science

Introduction: The field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is fundamental for the development of robotics, as it enables effective communication between humans and robots. HCI is essential for creating robots that can be used in a variety of environments, from industry to home. Robots designed with good HCI can be more efficient and safer at work, which can increase productivity and reduce errors and accidents.
Aim: to perform a bibliometric evaluation using Web of Science on Human-Computer Interaction in the Robotics field.
Methods: A bibliometric study was conducted on Human-Computer Interaction in the field of Robotics using the Web of Science database. A total of 592 documents were recovered.
Results: The number of published documents increased gradually from 2 in 1999 to a peak of 79 in 2019, but decreased in 2020 to 30 and in 2021 to 41. The number of received citations also increased over time, with a peak of 547 in 2015, and has decreased in subsequent years. China tops the list with 159 documents and 544 citations, but has a relatively low average citations per document (Cpd) of 3.42 and a total link strength of 8. In comparison, the United States has a much lower number of documents (71), but a much higher number of citations (1941) and a much higher Cpd of 27.34. During the analysis of the terms present in the articles, it can be observed that the term "Human-Computer Interaction" is the most commonly used, with a frequency of 124, indicating that it remains the most frequently used term to describe the discipline.
Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that Human-Computer Interaction in the field of robotics is an active and constantly evolving research area, with a focus on enhancing usability and user experience through various research techniques and theoretical approaches. These results may be useful for researchers and professionals interested in this field, as they provide valuable insights into recent trends and developments in the scientific literature.

By Raghav Chandran

2022-12-26 Systematic reviews or meta-analyses
Blockchain-based solutions for clinical trial data management: a systematic review

Blockchain technology can reduce the need for intermediaries in various types of transactions by providing a decentralized and secure ledger that can be accessed and updated by all parties involved in the transaction. Clinical trials are essential for bringing new drugs and therapies to market, but the current clinical research process is often marred by inefficiencies, data inaccuracies, and a lack of transparency. The implementation of blockchain technology in clinical trials has the potential to address these challenges by providing a secure and transparent platform for data management. By leveraging the power of blockchain, healthcare providers can improve the integrity and accuracy of clinical trial data, enhance trust in the clinical research process, and ultimately improve patient outcomes. In this article, we propose the use of blockchain technology in clinical trials and explore its potential benefits for the healthcare. The implementation of a blockchain-based data management system for clinical trials holds significant potential to address several challenges associated with the current clinical research process. By improving the integrity and security of medical data, enhancing trust, and easing regulatory burden, such a system can promote the efficient and effective conduct of clinical trials. The adoption of a blockchain-based solution for clinical trial data management has the potential to optimize costs, contributing to the sustainability of healthcare services. It also provides a model for future research and development of blockchain-based solutions in the field of clinical research.

By Wei Zhang

2022-11-17 Reviews
Metaverse and education: a panoramic review

One of the most evident ways in which the metaverse can influence higher education is by providing students with a more immersive and enriching learning experience, which allows students to experiment and practice in a more functional and meaningful manner. A panoramic review including 44 scientific articles was conducted to describe the main applications and potentialities of the metaverse in education. Augmented reality can become a powerful tool to improve teaching and learning, since it allows students to interact more actively with the content and fosters more immersive and meaningful learning. Metaverse avatars are a technology enabling users to create and control a digital representation of themselves in a virtual environment. The metaverse can have applications in education, including communication and collaboration, enriched learning, improved learning based on projects and accessibility. We can conclude that the metaverse can provide students with a more immersive and enriching learning experience. Through virtual reality, learning environments simulating real situations and scenarios can be created, which allows students to experiment and practice in a more practical and meaningful manner. The metaverse can facilitate distance learning and collaboration between students and professors from different places around the world, which increases the learning opportunities and fosters cultural diversity.

By Carlos Oscar Lepez

2022-12-13 Reviews
Metaverse: the future of medicine in a virtual world

The metaverse is a virtual space that uses Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) capable of recreating a world parallel to reality, in the health sciences the use of technologies during the last decade has increased dramatically and the benefits for both patients and professionals are countless. After the implementation of quarantine by COVID-19, social isolation led to the emergence of new tools that made health sciences become even more involved in this digital world. The applications of the metaverse in medicine range from data processing, the simulation of environments for the exchange between groups of patients, to the simulation of surgical procedures, diagnostic and experimental processes and the simulation of avatars of doctors or nurses capable of advising patients according to their clinical conditions.

By Carlos Miguel Campos Sánchez, Laura Adalys Guillén León, Rossio Cristina Acosta Yanes, Marcos Antonio Gil Oloriz

2022-12-23 Reviews
Importance of design and user experience (UX) in web development

This article studies the responsive design and user experience (UX) in addition to its status and importance in web design and development, these being concepts not very well known or extended in Latin America, although they are currently fundamental factors to achieve Highlight in the supersaturated world of the internet. For this, the methodology of descriptive research and some aspects of the exploratory methodology are used, based on a broad reference framework updated to no more than 5 years and a fluid explanation of the characteristics and applications of the (UX). Currently the UX and with him, the responsive design has been adopted worldwide as a practically mandatory standard in the workplace, especially in social networks where you can see ever more impressive and ingenious demonstrations of application of these concepts.

By Brayan Stiven Tovar Claros

2022-11-28 Short communications
The future of health in the metaverse

Metaverse references an immersive three-dimensional digital space, conceptions about its specific nature and organization have changed over time, and more strongly emphasize the evolution from considering the metaverse as an extended version of a single virtual world to a wide network of an infinite number of interconnected worlds. The aim of this article is to describe the potential of the metaverse in health care. One potential feature of a doctor's office in the metaverse could be the use of virtual reality technology to create immersive, personalized treatment environments for patients. The doctor may also be able to use virtual reality tools to demonstrate treatment options or procedures, or to provide educational materials to the patient. There are several potential applications of the metaverse in medicine, including the use of virtual reality and other immersive technologies for patient care. Some examples of these applications include: Virtual reality exposure therapy for anxiety disorders; Virtual reality-based cognitive behavioral therapy for depression; Virtual reality-based rehabilitation and physical therapy; Virtual reality pain management; and Virtual reality education and training. There are several potential benefits to delivering clinical care in the metaverse. Metaverse may allow for more efficient and convenient access to care, particularly for patients who live in remote or underserved areas. These platforms will contribute for more personalized and immersive treatment experiences, as virtual reality technology can be used to create tailored environments and experiences for patients. There may also be concerns around patient privacy and security, as well as the potential for cyber-attacks.

By Lee Yang Díaz-Chieng, Jhossmar Cristians Auza-Santiváñez, Jose Ignacio Robaina Castillo

2022-12-24 Short communications
World Metaverse Index (WMI): a necessary tool for assessing metaverse implementation and its impact globally

Metaverse has gained significant attention in recent years, as advances in technology have made it possible for people to interact with each other and with virtual environments in increasingly immersive and realistic ways. Some potential applications of the metaverse include virtual reality gaming, virtual events and conferences, virtual tourism, virtual education and training, virtual real estate, and virtual socializing. The metaverse is also being explored as a potential platform for remote work and collaboration, allowing people to work together and share ideas in a virtual environment. Creating a World Metaverse Index (WMI) can be important for a number of reasons: Navigation and discovery, Categorization and organization, Community building and networking, and Research and analysis. There are several indicators that could be taken into account when creating a WMI: Size and scope, Theme or focus, Technology and platform, Popularity and user base, Content and features, and Quality and stability. World Metaverse Index can be an important resource for users, creators, and researchers of virtual worlds, helping to facilitate the exploration and development of this growing and increasingly important area of the internet. This index should aim to provide users with a comprehensive overview of the different virtual worlds available, including information about their size, theme, technology, popularity, content, and quality.

By Adrián Alejandro Rojas Concepción, Raydel Guerra Chagime

2022-12-28 Short communications
User experience (UX) in metaverse: realities and challenges

User experience (UX) design is an interdisciplinary field that combines elements of psychology, computer science, and design. It is concerned with how a product or service is perceived by its users and how it meets their needs. UX designers work to ensure that a product or service is easy to use, efficient, and satisfying for the person using it. The purpose of this article is to describe some implications of User Experience (UX) in the metaverse. UX is relevant in the metaverse because it determines how people interact with and perceive virtual environments. This will involve working with a variety of stakeholders, including developers, designers, and users, to understand the goals and needs of the virtual environment and to create user experiences that are intuitive, engaging, and satisfying. The role of the UX professional in the metaverse will involve applying traditional UX design principles and techniques to the unique challenges and opportunities presented by virtual environments. There are several ways in which UX professionals can insert themselves into working in the metaverse. First of all, work with virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) companies, VR and AR companies are at the forefront of developing metaverse technologies, and they often hire UX professionals to help design and improve their products. UX professionals in the metaverse must be able to design for immersive and interactive environments that can be difficult to predict and control.

By Claudia Bisset Delgado

2022-12-18 Short communications
Understanding Blockchain Technology: How It Works and What It Can Do

Blockchain is a chain of blocks that are connected together and are continuously growing by storing transactions on the blocks. This platform uses a decentralized approach that allows the information to be distributed and that each piece of distributed information or commonly known as data have shared ownership. Blockchains holds batches of transactions that are hashed thus providing them security and they are managed by peer-to-peer networks. Blockchain, an information administration method, has the potential to encourage responsibility and openness. In a blockchain, each user of the computer network can access the same copy of the transaction ledger. The blockchain technology has the potential to handle various security attacks as it can eliminate the need of the centralized authority to perform various operations. In the blockchain technology, a number of users participate in transaction verification and validation.

By Barnali Gupta

2022-12-27 Short communications
Online dispute resolution: can we leave the initial decision to Large Language Models (LLM)?

In the era of digitization and artificial intelligence, online dispute resolution has become a topic of growing interest. In this article, we will explore the potential of Large Language Models (LLM) in online dispute resolution, how they can be implemented, the necessary technological resources, as well as their limitations and challenges. LLMs have the ability to process and analyze large volumes of data in a short period of time. This allows them to evaluate many indicators, criteria, and parameters, something that could take a long time for human judges or experts. This speed and efficiency can be particularly useful in cases involving a large number of documents, such as contracts, expert reports, and others. To implement LLMs in online dispute resolution, adequate technological resources are needed. One of the main challenges is ensuring the security and privacy of the data processed by these models. To do this, the use of technologies such as blockchain can be of great help, as it allows for the creation of secure, decentralized, and unalterable records of transactions and decisions made during the dispute resolution process. LLMs are promising tools for online dispute resolution, but it is important to recognize their limitations and challenges. Although they can offer greater efficiency and agility in the analysis of legal cases, they should not be used as substitutes for human legal professionals. Instead, LLMs should be considered as complementary tools, which can enhance and enrich the decision-making process in legal cases. By responsibly and ethically implementing LLMs in online dispute resolution, and proactively addressing the risks of bias and partiality, these tools can provide great value in the legal field and improve accessibility to justice for all.

By Mario Ferrer-Benítez

2022-12-28 Scientific letters
ChatGPT and the future of scientific communication

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI that uses the natural language processing (NLP) technique of autoregressive transformation (Transformer) to generate consistent and natural responses to questions or comments in real-time. ChatGPT is especially useful for building chatbots and other automated chat systems that can interact with people naturally and seamlessly. ChatGPT is based on the GPT-3 (Generative Pre-training Transformer 3) language model, one of the most advanced language models currently available. ChatGPT has been trained on various NLP tasks, including natural language understanding, text generation, and machine translation. Thanks to its ability to process and learn from large amounts of text, ChatGPT can produce coherent and natural responses to questions and comments in various contexts and topics.

By William Castillo-Gonzalez

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